Can You Tell Us?

Although extensive research has been undertaken over the past five year on the donors and artefacts that make up this web-exhibit, there are a number of donors that have remained elusive. The artefacts they donated are representative of this study. Some hint towards a possible connection to shipping or tourism, while others suggest personal connections to interesting individuals and far away places. This section contains a selection of stories that have yet to be fully developed, but are fascinating nevertheless. The mystery surrounding these stories adds to their appeal while demonstrating the difficulties presented to the researcher of museum records.

We are, therefore, appealing to the public for any information on the donors presented in this section. What can YOU tell us about these individuals? Please contact the Curator of Canadian and International Art with any information you may have, great or small, on any of these fascinating stories.

Contact Information
Developing a Window on the World in Saint John
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Ave
Saint John, NB
E2K 1E5
Tel:  (506) 643-2300
Fax:  (506) 643-2360