All in a Day's Work

New Brunswick educators are pleased to share these learning resources created for "All in A Day's Work" virtual exhibition. Although these teaching resources are based on New Brunswick curriculum, they are intended to reach beyond New Brunswick schools to all interested educators within this web site's audience.

The educators who made up this writing team represent a cross section of elementary, middle and high school teachers. Their learning resources make use of archival documents, historical photographs, artifact images and excerpts from library publications and represent the themes presented in this exhibit; Job Training, Workers and Unions, Business Life, Assembly Line, Primary Industries, Human Resources, Public Duty, Administration, Mandatory work, Artisans and Craftsmen, Women in the workplace, Children at work, Unpaid work, and Research & Development.

Student exploration of the evolution of work, as illustrated in this virtual exhibition, can be easily linked across the curriculum to include social studies, language arts, science and art; the areas covered by the featured lesson plans.

All learning resources are created using Microsoft Word in order that teachers can edit and change them to meet the individual needs of their school, students and teaching styles. Learning resources include unit plans and individual lessons.

The New Brunswick Museum and the New Brunswick Department of Education E-Learning group invite you to download and use these shareable resources.

Grade 5

Many lives make art work
Word - HTML

Simple Machine lesson
Word - HTML

Grade 6

Black History in NB
Word - HTML

The Labours of Fire Fighters Sparks Learning
Word - HTML

News Story Rubric from Firefighter Interview
Excel - HTML

Grade 8

World at Work SJ Museum project

Word - HTML

Grade 11

All in a Day's Work
Word - HTML

Comparison chart
Word - HTML

Museum photographs
Word - HTML

Visual Image Analysis
Word - HTML