Mikumwesu Gets Married

told by Gwen Bear (.wav, 800k)

While the Chief prepared a great wedding feast for the girls of the village, Groundhog’s granddaughter returned to Akwulabemu’s former camp. There she found some of the special water that Mikumwesu had used to make the scarred girls so beautiful and he had forgotten to destroy. Granddaughter washed her face and hair in the same water, making her the most beautiful of all the girls. She hid her face in cedar ashes and went to the feast where she joined the dancing crowds.

The Chief, Koluskap and Mikumwesu were sitting talking of the marriage of Mikumwesu to one of the Chief’s daughters. Granddaughter crept up behind them and listened to the conversation. When the Chief offered one of his daughters as a wife, Mikumwesu replied, “Yes, your daughter is very beautiful. But it will be the one who in dancing jumps over my bow when I rest in on the ground, she will become my wife.” Groundhog’s granddaughter heard all of this and rushed back to the special water, washing her face and hair again and becoming even more beautiful, her glossy hair almost touching the ground. While preparing her hair, Granddaughter heard a shout. It was time for the dancing to begin.

One after another the girls danced and attempted to jump Mikumwesu’s bow, but only the Chief’s daughter succeeded in going over it. Everyone shouted for a marriage ceremony. Mikumwesu arose and insisted that the people wait for the arrival of more girls as he was more impressed with a girl’s ability to jump his bow than her beauty. Just then Granddaughter entered and began to dance. Her beauty astounded everyone and she more than pleased Mikumwesu. She danced around them three times and each time she bowed in front of Mikumwesu, saying, “I salute thee, Chief.”

Granddaughter danced over the bow effortlessly, and then picked up the bow and shot an arrow into the air. It entered the ground to the left of Mikumwesu and after saluting the Chief, she sat down to the right of Koluskap’s brother. He immediately took his pouch from his belt, brought out his flint and punk, and lit his pipe and gave it to Granddaughter. After a few puffs, Mikumwesu said that never before had a woman touched his pipe or pouch. His wife was the first to do so.

A great marriage celebration followed, much to the jealousy of the Chief’s daughters who couldn’t understand Granddaughter’s sudden beauty. The Chief was also jealous because his daughter had failed to win Koluskap’s brother. One day afterward, the Chief complained to Mikumwesu, “My daughter succeeded first.” But Mikumwesu replied, “I promised to marry the girl who jumped best.” The Chief then appealed to Koluskap, but Koluskap supported his friend.