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What is the Tea Towel Team? |
The original Tea Towel Team (TTT) consists of artists Suzanne Hill, Kate Kerr, Pat Schell, Carol Taylor and Lynn Wigginton. In 2002 they organized an exhibition of tea towels in conjunction with a production of "The Vagina Monologues". Tea towels, being affordable, universal and domestic, were used as the base medium for the art works. Hence the group's name. |
In the fall of 2003, the TTT organized a tour of professional artists'studios in uptown Saint John. For both the artists and the public who braved the inclement weather, "Art in the City" and the concluding Arty Party were highly successful. Proceeds of the tour were committed to establish a fund through the Greater Saint John Community Foundation to assist professional artists. |
In May 2005, the TTT organized Art & Artifacts, "a studio tour with a twist". With the New Brunswick Museum as its partner, the TTT invited participating artists to explore the Museum, learn more from Museum curators and create a significant work of art. The Museum's exhibitions, collections and research inform all aspects of New Brunswick's past, present and future. Artists were asked to explore this unique environment and discover some "treasure" that stimulated a strong creative response. In organizing this event, again as a fundraiser for the professional artists' fund, TTT membership expanded to include Holly McKay, Andrew Kierstead and Wendy Martindale. |
The TTT is currently concocting another event to build the fund to the $10,000 required before grants can be distributed. |