Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >>
Suillus spraguei
Suillus spraguei (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Kuntze
Gregarious in litter in mature mixed conifer-hardwood forest, associated with Pinus strobus, Nepisiguit Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick (12-08-16/05).
The cystidia are abundant in the tube walls and are surrounded by a thick dark brown encrusting material. When viewed with a dissecting microscope the tube walls appear to be spotted with brown. The cystidia may occur singly or in small fascicles.
Basidiospores forming an orange brown spore print, 7.4-10.9 X 3.0-3.7 μm, D/d = 2.30-2.91 (average = 8.8 X 3.4 μm, D/d = 2.62)
Photograph: D. Malloch (12-08-16]05).