Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >>
Gymnopus perforans
Gymnopus perforans (Hoffm.) Antonín & Noordel.
Scattered in troops on needles of Abies balsamea in mixed woods, Grand lake Meadows Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick (13-06-13/04).
Basidiospores 7.7-10.6(-11.9) X 4.5-5.8 μm D/d = 1.55-1.86(-2.04), white in mass, ellipsoidal to dacryoid, smooth.
Gymnopus perforans is abundant under balsam fir throughout our region. Each little mushroom is attached to a fallen fir needle. Its occurrence in large numbers, small size and odour of rotting cabbage make this species unmistakable.
Photo: D. Malloch (13-06-13/04).