Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >>
Entoloma subplicatum
Entoloma subplicatum Hesler
Gregarious on decaying hardwood stump, associated with Betula papyrifera, Acer rubrum, Abies balsamea and Picea rubens, Grand lake Meadows Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick (12-08-14]01).
The basidiospores appear to be cuboidal in tissue mounts in Melzers and Congo Red, but ones from spore prints are more often 5-sided in side view. In end view (the two rightmost spores) they are markedly 4-sided. This is more or less consistent with Noordeloos's observations (Entoloma in North America, 1988). The cheilo- and pleurocystidia are voluminous as described by Hesler (type description, 1967), Noordeloos (loc. cit.) and Largent (The Genus Leptonia-1977) in their studies of the type material. Clamps abundant in the lamellar trama. This may be the first record since the type collection in Tennessee.
Photograph: D. Malloch (12-08-14]01).