Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >>
Entoloma strictius
Entoloma strictius (Peck) Sacc.
Three collections are presented here:
Basidiospores pink in spore print, 5(6)-sided, heterodiametrical, reviving well in water but often remaining collapsed in Melzer's Solution, 9.6-13.0 X 7.0-9.1 µm, D/d = 1.16-1.57 (average[65/3]: 10.9 X 8.0 µm, Q = 1.37). Basidia 4-spored, broadly clavate to ellipsoidal, with proliferating clamps at the base. Hymenial cystidia lacking. Pileipellis a thin cutis of narrow hyphae overlying a subpellis of short broad cells, with end cells of the suprapellis slightly enlarged, with broad cells of subpellis 55-138 X 15.9-35.2 µm (average[13]: 95.9 X 26.5 µm). Pigments not encrusting, perhaps cytoplasmic but dilute and difficult to observe.
This a very common species in our area, especially early in the season. It is recongnized by its conical pileus, long and very brittle stipe and farinaceous odour. Microscopically it is characterized by the presence of clamp connections on the basidia and by a pileipellis composed of an epicutis of narrow unencrusted hyphae overlying a subcutis of short broad cells.
Photograph: D. Malloch (14-06-13/03), 28-06-19]04, 29-06-19]02.