Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >> Entoloma engadinum

Entoloma engadinum (E. Horak) Noordel.

Picture of <i>Entoloma_engadinum</i>

Gregarious in moist soil and mosses under Aster sp., with Betula alleghaniensis more distant, Caledonia Gorge Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick.

Basidiospores 7.6-8.9 X 5.6-6.8 μ D/d = 1.12-1.57 (average = 8.3 X 6.2, D/d = 1.35). Cheilocystidia absent. Clamp connections seen on some basidia but not all. Pileipellis a simple cutis of narrow hyphae, with exclusively intracellular pigmentation

The fruiting bodies in the habitat photo have a lilac tint that is not mentioned in the field notes. It is probably a photographic artifact and should be ignored. This phenomenon is discussed further under Entoloma conicum. The habit photo also shows a tiny third fruiting body, apparently not collected, that may represent the true colour. As with many collections of Entoloma species clamp connections are difficult to demonstrate yet are important features for their identification. The lone basidium in the plate above shows one of these.

Photograph: D. Malloch (24-08-12/04).