Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >> Cortinarius elatior

Cortinarius elatior Fr.

Picture of <i>Cortinarius elatior</i>
Picture of <i>Cortinarius elatior</i>

Two collections:

Recognized by its conical and corrugated pileus, large broad basidiospores with Q-value less than 2.0 and by its lack of clamp connections. Both collections presented here were growing in perhumid coastal maritime forest and were deeply embedded in moss carpets. A third collection (26-09-08/01) was found in a dense Sphagnum carpet in similar coastal forest near Little lepreau, New Brunswick but has not yet been studied closely. All were found in late September or early October. Cortinarius mucifluus, with a less conical and uncorrugated pileus, but also lacking clamp connections, can occur among mosses, but in dryer, less oceanic habitats. Cortinarius collinitus is similar but differs in having a more rounded and less conical pileus with a smooth appearance, slightly broader basidiospores and in having clamp connections on most septa.

Photograph: D. Malloch (24-09-16/07, 06-10-16/02).