Fleshy Fungi of New Brunswick >> Amanita fulva

Amanita fulva Fr.

Picture of <i>Amanita fulva</i> 20-08-16/03 Picture of <i>Amanita fulva</i> 23-07-18/01

Two collections:

According to the highly authoritative Amanita website maintained by Dr. Rodham E. Tulloss, A. fulva is a European species mostly known in North America from collections made in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dr. Tulloss has yet to name most North American material, but does not consider them to be A. fulva. In spite of this the two collections here have been retained in A. fulva due to their great similarity to European descriptions and because the forests in New Brunswick can be remarkably similar to those in Newfoundland. A final decision awaits DNA sequencing.

Amanita fulva is just one in a confusing array of Amanita species in subgenus Amanita, section Vaginatae. It is recognized by its honey-coloured pileus and sack-like volva that turns orange brown as it dries.

Photos: D. Malloch (20-08-16/03, 23-07-18/01).