Inmagic® Web Messages

This document applies to:

Messages that include the product name are listed alphabetically using the CS/WebPublisher PRO product name.

All records on this page have been deleted. There are no records to display.

Cause All of the records on the current page of the report have been deleted.
Solution Click OK on the message to return to the query screen and perform a new search.

Cannot create temporary storage file for query sets. Contact the webmaster for this site.

Cause The directory where temporary query sets are stored is write protected or does not exist.
Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to verify that the "qsets" subdirectory under the CS/WebPublisher PRO installation directory exists and is visible to the HTTP server, and that the Internet user account has full (read, write, create) access to this directory.

Cannot delete all entries from field '<fieldname>' because it has Required validation.

Cause You attempted to use Batch Modify to delete all of the entries in a field, but the specified field has Field Entry Required validation.
Solution Change the settings you specified for the Batch Modify operation. Or contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and ask that the Field Entry Required validation be removed.

Cannot find field '<field name>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message does not exist. The field may have been renamed or deleted since the query screen was created.

Contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and provide the exact text of the message. The webmaster will probably need to modify the query screen or edit the textbase structure to correct the problem.

Cannot find or load set '<set name>'.

Cause You clicked a link that includes the named set as part of its query criteria. The query set indicated in the message does not exist. The set may have been renamed or deleted since the page was created.

Contact the webmaster for the site, and provide the exact text of the message, the URL for the page and the text of the link you clicked. The webmaster will probably need to modify the page or recreate the set to correct the problem.

Cannot insert/append/substitute entries in field '<fieldname>' because it has Unique validation.

Cause You attempted to use Batch Modify to insert an entry before, append an entry after, or substitute an entry in a field. The specified field has Unique Entries Only validation. If you added the same entry to multiple records, the entry would definitely not be unique.

Change the settings you specified for the Batch Modify operation. Or contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and ask that the Unique Entries Only validation be removed.

Cannot insert multiple entries in field '<fieldname>'.

Cause You attempted to use Batch Modify to insert an entry before, append an entry after, substitute an entry, or substitute text in a field. The specified field has Single Entry Only validation. Either the New Entry contains {SF} or the field already contains an entry, so adding another would violate the validation.

Change the settings you specified for the Batch Modify operation. Or contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and ask that the Single Entry Only validation be removed.

Cannot recognize entry in field '<field name>' as a date.

Cause The field indicated in the message has a Field Type of Date and has 'Require Strictly Correct Type' checked in the textbase structure. CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot recognize the entry you entered on the edit page as a date.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Then enter a valid date in the field.

Cannot recognize entry in field '<field name>' as a number.

Cause The field indicated in the message has a Field Type of Number and has 'Require Strictly Correct Type' checked in the textbase structure. CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot recognize the entry you entered on the edit page as a number.
Solution Click OK to return to the edit page. Then enter a valid number in the field.

Cannot save an empty record.

Cause The new record you attempted to create does not contain any populated fields.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Then type something in at least one of the fields before you try to save the record.

Cannot search unindexed field '<field name>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has neither a Term index, nor a Word index. CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot search unindexed fields.

The indexes were removed after the query screen was designed.

Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to use Edit Textbase Structure to add either a Term index or a Word index or both to this field.

CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot be accessed in this way.

Cause In the call to CS/WebPublisher PRO, the AC parameter has either been omitted or is specifying an invalid value. For example:

  • You may have accessed CS/WebPublisher PRO by specifying the DLL/EXE name; this can happen if you attempt to bookmark a report page (or add it to your favorites) then use that bookmark.
  • You may have attempted to use an AC value that modifies records. AC=UPDATE, etc. can only be used when you use XML to pass the commands to CS/WebPublisher PRO, not via an HTML query screen or canned query.
Solution You cannot bookmark the results of a CS/WebPublisher PRO query. Aside from this issue, temporary query sets expire periodically. Instead, bookmark the query or menu screen and repeat the search.

Use edit/delete links or XML to pass UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE and BATCH_DELETE commands to CS/WebPublisher PRO.

CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot modify records because it does not have write access to the textbase.

Cause The account used by CS/WebPublisher PRO (often IUSR_machinename) does not have Full rights to the directory containing the textbase. Or the textbase is write-protected using file permissions.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site. They will need to use Windows Explorer to provide the necessary rights to the directory containing the textbase, or remove the Read-Only attribute on the textbase files. If CS/WebPublisher PRO is using the IUSR_machinename account, that account will need to be explicitly added to the Security properties; being a member of the various groups (EVERYONE, USERS, etc.) is not sufficient.

CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot modify records because you did not specify any records to modify.

Cause The XML input for an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE doesn't have a <Recordset> section.
SolutionContact the webmaster for the site. The page that creates the XML input will need to be modified to add the <Recordset> tag.

CS/WebPublisher PRO could not find textbase '<textbase>' on the server.

Cause This message may appear after you press the Search button on the "Inmagic CS/WebPublisher PRO: Find Textbase" page. The textbase specified in the message is not visible to CS/WebPublisher PRO.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site. They will need to do one or more of the following:

  • move the textbase to an accessible location
  • assign the necessary permissions (read access) to make the textbase visible to CS/WebPublisher PRO
  • ensure that the Internet user account (e.g., IUSR_machinename) has at least read (and preferably full) rights to the ICSWEB.INI file
  • ensure that the textbase location is included in the Default-Textbase-Paths= line of the [Web Defaults] section of the ICSWEB.INI file, and that the Internet user account has read write access to all of these directories
  • ensure that the textbase location is explicitly specified in the [Web Textbase Paths] section of ICSWEB.INI.

Always use UNC file names when referring to directories on different machines than the HTTP server.

Note: For DB/Text WebPublisher PRO, use DBTWPUB.INI instead of ICSWEB.INI. The section names are [WebPublisher Defaults] and [WebPublisher Textbase Paths].

The CS/WebPublisher PRO DLL has not been properly serialized.

Cause The serial number is not a valid serial number. The most likely cause for this is that the ICSWPPRO.DLL file has been damaged or the installation process failed prior to completion.
Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to reinstall CS/WebPublisher PRO from the original CD.

CS/WebPublisher PRO found textbase '<textbase>' - you may re-execute your query (press Back twice).

Cause This message appears after you press the Search button on the "Inmagic CS/WebPublisher PRO: Find Textbase" page. CS/WebPublisher PRO found the textbase.
Solution Press your web browser's Back button twice to return to the query or menu screen. Then re-execute your query.

If doing so returns you to the "Inmagic CS/WebPublisher PRO: Find Textbase" page, the Internet user account does not have the required full access to the ICSWEB.INI file (DBTWPUB.INI for DB/Text WebPublisher PRO. Contact the webmaster for the site.

CS/WebPublisher PRO installation error. Cannot find INMCSRV.CMX.
DB/Text WebPublisher installation error. Cannot find DBTEXT32.CMX.

Cause The INMCSRV.CMX file (or the DBTEXT32.CMX file for DB/Text WebPublisher PRO) is missing. CS/WebPublisher PRO requires this file to run.
Solution Please reinstall the software.

The CS/WebPublisher PRO Multiple Textbase Query screen has been renamed or deleted. Please contact the webmaster for this site.

Cause This HTML query screen searches multiple textbases. The textbase query screen that indicates that other textbases to search is no longer available.
Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to recreate the saved public query screen specified by the MQ= parameter in the HTML query screen.

CS/WebPublisher PRO: Operation failed for unknown reason while processing '<operation>', after line <line number>. Please inform Inmagic, Inc.

CauseA condition occurred that the software did not expect.
SolutionSend the following information to Inmagic, Inc. or your local Inmagic dealer:

  • The <operation> and <line number> indicated in the message.
  • What you were doing at the time you received the message. Be as complete and detailed as possible.

This message could conceivably occur if the textbase or QSETS files are damaged. To check the textbase, run INMCSADMIN.EXE, and choose Check Textbase from the Manage Textbases menu.

Optionally check the Repair Structural Problems box and press OK to start the Check Textbase operation. When the process is complete, examine the report file. If there are any problems that have not been fixed, recover the textbase or restore a healthy backup copy.

If Check Textbase reports no problems, try to repeat the behavior that caused the message to appear. If you cannot do so, the server may have been low on system resources.

You can delete the textbase .WPD and .WPO files from the QSETS directory to eliminate any possibility that damage to these files is causing the message.

Regardless of whether the textbase is damaged, or you can repeat the problem, please do forward the information to Inmagic, Inc.

NotesTo also write internal errors to a log file named WPTCERR.LOG file in the QSETS directory, add EnableErrorLog=1 to the [ICSWeb] section of the ICSWEB.INI file ([WebPublisher] section of DBTWPUB.INI for DB/Text WebPublisher PRO).

The CS/WebPublisher PRO XML feature has been disabled.
The CS/WebPublisher PRO XML feature has been disabled for this textbase.

Cause The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides has disabled XML for either CS/WebPublisher PRO or this textbase. This means that clicking on a new record, edit record, or delete record link or clicking Submit Record on a static exported HTML edit page will return this message.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site about enabling XML for this textbase.

Could not access XML conversion facility.

Cause You shouldn't normally see this message. It indicates that CS/WebPublisher PRO could not access the XML conversion facility.
Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides will need to ensure that the Microsoft XML program files are properly installed and accessible to CS/WebPublisher PRO.

Could not check for matching records because indexes are busy.

Cause The indexes are tied up because they are being updated to match the changes to a record. You cannot search if the indexes are being changed. Checking for matching records uses searching.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Wait a little while, then try again.

Entry in field '<field name>' does not match the expected format '<mask>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has mask validation. The text you typed does not comply with the mask shown in the message.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Change what you typed to comply with the mask shown in the message. Mask characters:

# - digit (0-9)
! - capital letter
^ - lowercase letter
? - any character including space
* - any group of characters including space

Entry in field '<field name>' is above the maximum value '<maximum>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has range validation. The text you typed is greater than the maximum value shown in the message.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Change what you typed to be less than the maximum value shown in the message.
NotesField Type and Special Filing options affect whether a value is greater than the maximum value permitted by the range validation. Examples:

  • In a Date field, Aug-11-95 is less than 1996, but in a Text field it is not.
  • When numbers file numerically, 2 is less than 12, but when numbers file alphabetically 12 is less than 2.

Entry in field '<field name>' is below the minimum value '<minimum>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has range validation. The text you typed is less than the minimum value shown in the message.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Change what you typed to be greater than the minimum value shown in the message.
NotesField Type and Special Filing options affect whether a value is less than the minimum value permitted by the range validation. Examples:

  • In a Date field, Aug-11-95 is less than 1996, but in a Text field it is not.
  • When numbers file numerically, 2 is less than 12, but when numbers file alphabetically 12 is less than 2.

Entry in field '<field name>' not found in validation list: <entry>

Cause The field indicated in the message has a validation list. The entry shown in the message does not appear in the validation list.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. The field entry must exactly match an entry that appears in the validation list, including spacing and punctuation. If case differs, it is corrected automatically when you save the record. The edit box label for fields with validation lists is often a hypertext link that you can click to display the Inmagic Choices Browser, which you can use to paste terms from the validation list into the field. There is currently no way to override validation for edit pages generated by CS/WebPublisher PRO. However:

  • For static edit forms created using Export Editing Form to HTML, you can modify the following line to change "none" to "override" or "update":

    <input type="hidden" name="_validation" value="none">

  • If the edit page was custom-designed to take advantage of the XML input features, the webmaster for the site can use the validation=update/override attribute on the <AC> tag.

Entry in field '<field name>' should be unique, but is not.

Cause The field indicated in the message has a Unique Entries Only validation. The entry you typed already appears in another record in the textbase.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Then type a unique entry in the field. You can see a list of entries in the field by clicking the Word Wheel or Browse Choices button on an HTML query screen.

Error loading XML stream - <reason>. <line number>

Cause CS/WebPublisher PRO encountered an error when attempting to load the XML generated by CS/WebPublisher PRO before transforming it. The message normally includes the reason for the error and the line number in the XML stream on which the problem occurs.

Solution The webmaster for the site must correct the problem. If the site is using a custom-designed interface, when using a Web browser that can transform XML output (e.g., IE5.x or later), one can temporarily stop using the XSL file, and display raw XML in the Web browser, to get more information about the line that is causing the error.

Error reading XML file '<XML file>' - <reason> line <line number>

Cause CS/WebPublisher PRO encountered an error reading the specified XML file. The message includes the reason for the error and the line number in the XML file on which the problem occurs.

Solution Contact the webmaster for the site and tell them exactly what you did to generate the error.

Error reading XSL file '<XSL value>' - <reason> line <line number>
Error reading XSL file '<XSL value>' (from '<URL>').

Cause The page you used generates XML output that is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. The <XSL value> shown in the message indicates the name of the style sheet (e.g., the value of the XS= parameter).

CS/WebPublisher PRO encountered an error reading the specified XSL file. The message includes the reason for the error and the line number in the XSL file on which the problem occurs. If no reason or line number is given, CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot find the XSL file (the '<URL>' shows the complete URL to which any relative URL was translated), or the XSL file is too unreadable to report a specific problem.

Solution The webmaster for the site must either fix the problem in the XSL file, or specify the correct location of the XSL file.

Error transforming XML file '<XML file>'.

Cause The screen you used generates XML output, which is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. There is a mismatch between the XML file and the XSL stylesheet file.

Solution Contact the webmaster for the site. They will need to modify the XSL file.

Error trying to initialize the XML conversion facility.

Cause There is a problem with the Microsoft XML4 program file installation. The MSXML4 DLLs either are not properly installed, are damaged, or are not accessible to CS/WebPublisher PRO. The CS/WebPublisher PRO install puts these files in the Windows System directory.
Solution The webmaster for the site must ensure that the Microsoft XML4 DLLs are properly installed, and that the account used by CS/WebPublisher PRO has sufficient rights to use these files.

Error writing record: <reason>.

Cause There was a problem saving the record. See the <reason> text for more information.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site and provide them with the text of the message and information on what steps you took immediately before receiving the message.

Field '<field name>' is not a Link field.

Cause The search screen you are using is not compatible with the textbase it searches. The textbase structure has been changed since the search screen was created.

A box searches a secondary textbase field (e.g., Title@Catalog). The message indicates that 'Catalog' is a field in the current primary textbase but it is not a Link field.

Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to create a new search screen for this textbase.

For now, you can only search the textbase if you don't use that box.

Field '<field name>' uses a thesaurus as a validation list, and the thesaurus textbase cannot be found.

Cause The field specified in the message has "Use Thesaurus as Validation List" specified in Edit Textbase Structure, but the thesaurus textbase cannot be found or opened.
SolutionContact the webmaster for this site. They will need to verify that the thesaurus textbase is in the location shown by Maintain>Set Up Thesaurus in CS/TextWorks.

Field must have a value: <field name>

Cause The field indicated in the message has 'Field Entry Required' validation selected in the textbase structure. The field is empty in the incoming record. The record cannot be saved until this field is populated.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page, type a valid entry in the field, and save the record again.

Field occurs more than once: <field name>.

Cause There is a problem with the XML input. The field name shown in the message occurs more than once in the incoming record, separated by other fields.
SolutionIn the <Record> in the XML input, repeating entries for the same field must be grouped together. The following is NOT correct because the entries in the Features field are not together:


Field(s) not indexed for comparison searching (no term index).

Cause Your search includes an operation that requires a Term index (e.g., a range search {indicated by a colon}, or a =, >, >=, <, or <= search). The field searched by the box where you typed the comparison search doesn't have Term index.
Solution Change your search so it doesn't use any of the comparison operators. For example, if you searched for =Accounting, search for Accounting instead.

If you're searching for text that includes any of these symbols, enclose the search text in quotes or replace the symbol with a space.

You can also contact the webmaster for the site where this textbase resides and ask them to use Edit Textbase Structure to add a Term index to the field.

Field(s) not indexed for proximity searching (no word index).

Cause The search criteria include a proximity search (e.g., "bugs p2 bunny") on a field that doesn't have a word index. Proximity searches require a word index.
Solution Examine the contents of your search screen for a string like "w3" or "p5". Then change your search so it doesn't do a proximity search in that query box.

If you are trying to find a term that includes a word like "P73", precede the search item with an equal sign or enclose the search item in quotes:
=P73 NL1
"P73 NL1"

You can contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides and ask them to use Edit Textbase Structure to add a word index for that field.

Found multiple records in textbase that match the record in the incoming data.

Cause You attempted to update an existing record. There is more than one record in the textbase that has matching information in the specified Match Fields.
SolutionFor the matching fields, specify a field (or combination of fields) that is unique in each record (e.g., an Automatic Number field or a field with Unique Entries Only validation).

Found no matching record in textbase to delete.

Cause You attempted to delete a record. For the record that follows the message, there is no record in the textbase that has matching information in the specified Match Fields.
SolutionCheck that the contents of the Match Fields match a record in the textbase.

HTTP 404: Error reading file '<XSL value>'.

Cause The page you used generates XML output that is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. The <XSL value> shown in the message indicates the name of the style sheet (e.g., the value of the XS= parameter).

CS/WebPublisher PRO could not find the specified XSL file. The "HTTP 404" prefix indicates the XSL file was specified using an HTTP reference (or as just the file name with no path). Had it been specified using a file reference, you'd see just "Error reading file '<XSL value>'."

Solution The webmaster for the site must specify the correct location of the XSL file.

Incorrect password entered.

Cause The previous page includes an "Enter password:" box. You typed a password that is not in use for this textbase.
Solution Return to the previous screen and type a valid password.

The textbase may have a Silent password. If you don't know a password, try leaving the "Enter password:" box blank.

Insufficient server resources to process your request--field data in record too large (<bytes> bytes).

Cause You just edited a record on the Web and clicked the Submit Record button. One of the field entries in the record exceeds 128K characters. The <bytes> value in the message shows the size of the large field.
Solution When you click OK, you will return to the edit page. Either decrease the size of the large field or click Cancel to stop editing the record.

Link entry in field '<field name>' not found in secondary textbase.

Cause The field indicated in the message is a Link field with 'Require Strictly Correct Type' checked. The entry you typed does not appear in the matching associated field in the secondary textbase.
SolutionChange the field contents so they match the contents of the associated field in a record in the secondary textbase. If you have a query screen that has a Word Wheel or Browse Choices button for that secondary textbase field, you can browse the index.

Link '<field name>' not valid or not available.

Cause You typed a search that attempted to search a field from a secondary textbase. You cannot search secondary textbase fields until the problem is corrected.
Solution If the textbase has passwords, the password you are using may hide the linked information. Return to the search screen and specify a password gives you access to the linked information.

Otherwise, contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and provide the exact text of the message. The webmaster will probably need to use Edit Textbase Structure to correct the problem. For example, the secondary textbase may not have a Silent password.

MatchField has no Term index: '<field name>'.

Cause A MatchField specified in the XML input does not have a Term index. CS/WebPublisher PRO searches the Term index for the Match Field(s) to determine whether the incoming record matches a record already in the textbase.
SolutionContact the webmaster for the site. They need to either use Edit Textbase Structure to give the MatchField a Term index, or specify a different Match Field.

Multiple entries are not permitted in field '<field name>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has a has 'Single Entry Only' validation. You tried to save the record when the field contained multiple entries.
SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. You must remove all but one entry in the field before you will be able to save the record.

No matching record found.

Cause The record was submitted as an UPDATE with matchNotFound="rejectRecord". No record was found in the textbase with matching contents in the Match Fields.
SolutionEither change the contents of the Match Fields so they match an existing record, or contact the webmaster about changing the UPDATE option.

No query criteria specified.

Cause You pressed the Submit Query button without specifying any query criteria, either by:

  • typing or pasting words and/or phrases in the query boxes
  • selecting choices from droplists
Solution Specify what you want to search for before pressing the Submit Query button.

No records found by latest query.

Cause You did one of the following:

  • Performed a search that didn't retrieve any records.
  • Clicked on a hypertext link that automatically performs a search.
Solution Return to the search screen and click the Help icon to review the instructions for searching. If you believe the search should have retrieved records, here are some things to check:

  • If the search screen includes Word Wheel or Browse Choices buttons, you can use them to open a dialog box from which you can paste words and/or terms into the search screen.
  • If the search screen includes an "Enter password:" box, be sure you used a password that provides access to the fields you are searching.
  • Examine the contents of the search screen (especially if it is longer than the screen) to verify that you don't have query criteria left over from a previous search.
  • You must use symbols (&/!) not words (and,or,not) for Boolean operators.
  • If your search includes any Boolean operators (/ & !) or range searches (:), put spaces around the symbol.
  • Remember that range searches involving partial dates start from the beginning of the range. For example: <1993 will not retrieve 1-Jan-93, but >1993 will.
If you got this message when you clicked on a hypertext link, contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides. The query criteria for the stored set may need to be corrected.

Proximity search available only for words, not phrases.

Cause Proximity only works between two words, not between multiple words or phrases. The query box contents that contain the problem search string are shown in the message.

Permitted proximity searches: jelly p2 beans, govern* w5 contract*
Invalid searches: licorice p2 jelly beans, licorice p2 jelly w5 beans

Solution Click OK to return to the search screen. Examine the contents of the query boxes for the proximity operators. Then change your search so proximity operators are used only between two single words.

If you are trying to find a term or phrase that includes a word like "W2", precede the search item with an equal sign or enclose the search item in quotes:

=Employee copy W2 form   <-- term search
"Employee copy W2 form" <-- phrase search

Range operation is incorrect because '<beginning of range>' is not less than '<end of range>'.

Cause Your query criteria include a range search but the beginning of the range you specified is larger than the end of the range.
Solution Click OK to return to the search screen. Look for the range search. It will have a colon in it. If the search criteria are complex or your query screen is taller than the screen, you can use the Find option in your Web browser to search for ':'. Then change the range search so the start of the range is to the left of the colon. For example, search for 20:50.

You may be searching for text that actually has a colon in it, rather than attempting to perform a range search. If this is the case, either omit the colon or enclose the text in quotes (e.g., "TX : Texas"). Depending on how the webmaster has configured CS/WebPublisher PRO, another solution would be to remove the spaces around the colon (TX:Texas). Punctuation is not significant except in Code or UDC fields, so it's usually easier to omit punctuation in search text.

The box may search multiple fields that have different indexing settings. For example, one may treat numbers numerically, while the other may treat them alphabetically. In such a case, either "2:12" or "12:2" will cause this error. You must change your search; paste individual entries or use ">=2 & <=12" instead of "2:12". You might also want to contact the webmaster for this site about changing the query screen or indexing settings.

Record already exists.

Cause The record was submitted as an UPDATE with matchFound="rejectRecord". A record with the same Match Field contents already exists in the textbase. Your record was rejected.
SolutionChange the contents of the edit boxes containing the Match Fields before attempting to submit the record again.

Record has been deleted.

Cause The record you are trying to expand (or edit/delete) has been deleted since the page was displayed.
SolutionClick OK on the message to return to the previous page, then choose another record. You can click your browser's Refresh button to redisplay the report page and omit the deleted record.

Record is locked.

Cause The record you are trying to update or delete is locked by another user. The other person may be editing the record, or using Batch Modify or Import (or even Batch Delete).
SolutionWait till the other person finishes changing the record. Before attempting to modify the record again, verify that their changes do not invalidate any changes you were planning to make.

Record not changed because it has been deleted using Deferred indexing.

Cause This message appears to explain why the record following the message was not changed during a Batch Modify process.

The record has been deleted using deferred indexing. When the deferred updates are posted, the record will be removed from the textbase, so making any changes to it is pointless.

SolutionNo action is required.

Record not changed because text not found.

Cause This message appears to explain why the record following the message was not changed during a Batch Modify process.

You used Substitute Text or Substitute Matching Entry, and the text or complete entry was not found in the record. This is normal, especially if you didn't explicitly search for records containing that text or entry. For example, you could do a Find All Records and change all "[" to "(".

SolutionIf you believe the record did contain the text or entry you were trying to replace, search for the record and edit it manually.

Severe error during transform using XSL file '<XSL value>'.

Cause The previous page generates XML output that is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. The Microsoft XML DLLs that are used to perform the transform performed an illegal operation. The XSL file may be damaged. The problem is so severe that no line number can be given. <XSL value> represents the value of the XS parameter.

Solution The webmaster for the site must address the problem with the XSL file.

Severe error loading XML stream.

Cause CS/WebPublisher PRO encountered an error creating the XML output stream. This message should rarely occur. If it does, the server running CS/WebPublisher PRO may be running low on memory.

Solution The webmaster for the site must address the problem with the server machine.

Severe error loading XSL file '<XSL value>'.

Cause The previous page generates XML output that is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. The Microsoft XML DLLs that are used to perform the transform performed an illegal operation. The XSL file may be damaged. The problem is so severe that no line number can be given. <XSL value> represents the value of the XS parameter.

Solution The webmaster for the site must address the problem with the XSL file.

The textbase '<textbase>' has not yet been located on the server.

Cause The location for the textbase name shown in the message is not yet specified in the [Web Textbase Paths] section of ICSWEB.INI. Nor is the textbase located in any of the top-level directories specified in the Default-Textbase-Paths= line of the [Web Defaults] section.
Solution Press the Search button to locate the textbase and write its location to the [Web Textbase Paths] section of ICSWEB.INI. CS/WebPublisher PRO will do a recursive subdirectory search of the locations specified in the Default-Textbase-Paths= line.

Note: For DB/Text WebPublisher PRO, use DBTWPUB.INI instead of ICSWEB.INI. The section names are [WebPublisher Defaults] and [WebPublisher Textbase Paths].

The textbase '<textbase>' must have a Silent password. Contact the webmaster for this site.

Cause The query screen you used to Submit the query searches multiple textbases. Some of the textbases have passwords but no Silent password.
Solution The webmaster for the site where the textbase resides needs to assign a Silent password to the textbase name shown in the message.

There is a Boolean expression that is too deeply parenthesized.

Cause The search is too complex; there are too many levels of parentheses.
Solution If there are unnecessary parentheses, remove them.

Rearrange the order of the search items so fewer parentheses are necessary. Perform / searches before & and ! searches. For example, change "bugs & (rabbit / bunny)" to "rabbit / bunny & bugs"

This link does not have a valid destination (set no longer exists in textbase). Please contact the webmaster for this site.

Cause You clicked on a hypertext link that performs a search "under the covers." The query set referenced by the hypertext link has been deleted from the textbase or renamed. This message may also appear if one of the fields referenced by the set has been renamed.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site about correcting the HTML page or restoring or recreating the query set.

This record has been deleted since you performed your search.

Cause You clicked Next Record or Previous Record on an expanded display or edit page. The next/previous record has been deleted since the search was performed.
Solution Click Next Record or Previous Record to move to the next record.

Trailing text is not permitted in field '<field name>'.

Cause The field indicated in the message has a Field Type of Date or Number and has 'Require Strictly Correct Type' checked in the textbase structure. 'Allow Trailing Text' is not checked.

The text in the field does start with a valid date or number, but includes additional text after the date/number.

SolutionClick OK to return to the edit page. Remove the trailing text before you attempt to save the record again.

Transform using XSL file '<XSL value>' produced no result.

Cause The previous page generates XML output that is then transformed by an XML style sheet (XSL) file. The result of the tranform is an empty page.
Solution The webmaster for the site must fix the problem with the XSL file.

Unable to access the textbase.

Cause There are several reasons why you might get this error.

  • The textbase may be damaged. For example, the .CAC file may be missing because Windows Explorer was used to copy the textbase files when someone had the textbase open.
  • There may be too many people using the textbase.
  • Someone else may have exclusive access to the textbase. For example: backup software, or someone using Check Textbase, or editing the textbase structure.
  • Windows permissions - The account used by CS/WebPublisher PRO may not have access to the textbase files.
  • SQL Server Authentication - The correct SQL password may not have been specified for CS/WebPublisher PRO using INMCSADMIN.EXE.
  • SQL Server Windows Authentication - The account used by CS/WebPublisher PRO may not have the necessary SQL Server roles specified.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site and tell them you received this message. The webmaster may need to increase the maximum textbase users, or add passwords to prohibit exclusive access.

Unable to recognize as a correctly formed query.

Cause CS/WebPublisher PRO cannot understand the search criteria typed in the search screen. This is a general error message that is often caused by typographical errors, or problems with the search screen.

If you received this message when clicking on a hypertext link, textbase fields or sets may have been renamed since the menu screen was created.

Solution Return to the search screen and click on the Help link to review the instructions for searching. Possible problems include:

  • Mismatched quotes or parentheses
  • Extra Boolean operators (e.g., you should have typed "car / auto" instead of "car / auto /")

If you cannot determine what caused the error, try a couple of simpler searches, e.g., just a word in a box, to see if they work. If the search screen includes Word Wheel or Browse Choices buttons, use those to reconstruct the query.

If even simple searches don't work, contact the webmaster for the site, tell them you received this message, and describe what you typed in each box. The search screen may need to be edited and corrected. If there are multiple copies of the textbase with the same name, the webmaster may need to verify that the [Web Textbase Paths] section of the ICSWEB.INI file references the correct path. (For DB/Text WebPublisher PRO, check the [WebPublisher Textbase Paths] section of DBTWPUB.INI.)

If you received the message when clicking on a hypertext link, contact the webmaster for the site and tell them what link you clicked on. The hypertext link may need to be edited and corrected.

Unknown field name: '<field name>'

Cause You may see this message if fields have been renamed since a static edit page was exported to HTML. A field name specified inside a <Record> for an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE doesn't exist in the textbase structure, or is hidden by the password you are using.
SolutionTry using a different password. If that doesn't work, contact the webmaster for the site. They may need to re-export the edit page or modify the page that submits the XML input so that it uses the correct field names.

Unknown KeyField name: '<field name>'

Cause You may see this message if fields have been renamed since a static edit page was exported to HTML. A KeyField specified in the XML input either does not appear in the textbase structure or is hidden by the password you are using.
SolutionUse a different password. If that doesn't work, contact the webmaster for the site. They may need to re-export the edit page or modify the page that submits the XML input so that it uses the correct field name.

Unknown MatchField name: '<field name>'

Cause A MatchField specified in the XML input either does not appear in the textbase structure or is hidden by the password you are using.
SolutionUse a different password. If that doesn't work, contact the webmaster for the site. They may need to modify the page that submits the XML input so that it uses the correct field name.

Unknown SortField name: '<field name>'

Cause A SortField specified in the XML input either does not appear in the primary textbase structure or is hidden by the password you are using. You cannot sort by secondary textbase fields using XML input.
SolutionUse a different password. If that doesn't work, contact the webmaster for the site. They may need to modify the page that submits the XML input so that it uses the correct field name.

You cannot add or change a protected field: <fieldname>.

Cause The record you are trying to insert or update includes the field name shown in the message. The password you are using makes that field read-only.
SolutionSpecify a password that gives you full access to all the fields in the incoming records.

You cannot append multiple entries to a single value field: <fieldname>.

Cause This message appears to indicate that the record was rejected because all 4 of the following conditions are true:

  • The record was submitted for UPDATE with matchFound="appendEntries".
  • The field name specified at the end of the message has 'Single Entry Only' validation.
  • The incoming record contains a single entry in that field. (If the import file contained more than one entry in that field, you would receive a different message.)
  • The matching record in the textbase already contains an entry in that field.
SolutionRemove the entry from that field before you attempt to save the record again. Or contact the webmaster about removing the Single Entry Only validation from the field, or changing the matching option.

You cannot delete records because your password does not have full access to all fields in the textbase. At least one field is protected (hidden or read-only).

Cause You cannot delete records without full access to all fields. The textbase has passwords. The password you are using, which may be the Silent password, hides or write-protects at least one field.
SolutionUse a different password. You may need to return to the query screen to specify a different password.

You cannot perform the requested batch modification on a field with a validation list, range, or mask.

Cause You attempted to perform a Batch Modify operation using Substitute Entry on a field with content validation (a validation list, range or mask), and the New Entry includes the {*} string to represent the current entry. A new entry that consists of the current entry plus additional text is likely to violate the content validation.

SolutionChange the settings you specified for the Batch Modify operation. Or contact the webmaster for the site where the textbase resides, and ask that the content validation be removed from this field.

You cannot use Batch Modify on an Automatic or Computed field: <fieldname>

Cause You attempted to perform a Batch Modify operation on a field with one of the following types:

  • Automatic Date
  • Automatic Number
  • Computed Date
  • Computed Number

These field types are updated automatically, and cannot be edited.

SolutionChange the settings you specified for the Batch Modify operation.

You do not have write access to the record.

Cause The textbase has record level security passwords. The password you are using does not permit you to modify the record you are trying to UPDATE or DELETE.
SolutionUse a different password. You may need to return to the query screen to specify a different password.

You must enter a password to access the textbase.

Cause The textbase has passwords. You must type a password to search the textbase.
Solution Return to the search screen and type a valid password in the "Enter password:" box.

If the search screen does not have an "Enter password:" box, contact the webmaster for the site. One will need to be added so that people can search the textbase.

If you got this message after clicking on a hypertext link, the link performs a search on the textbase. Contact the webmaster for the site. They will need to add a Silent password to the textbase.

You must specify a valid field name.

Cause The page uses XML input to display the contents of the Term or Word index for a field using INDEX_BY_KEY or INDEX_KEY_GREATEST. The specified field name does not exist in the textbase structure or is hidden by the password specified in the XML input.
Solution If there is a "Password:" box on the page, type a different password. Otherwise, contact the webmaster for the site; they will need to correct the page.

You must specify an Old Entry when modifying a matching text string or entry.

Cause You attempted to perform a Batch Modify operation that matches on an existing entry or text. For example, to replace "teh" with "the". You did not specify the Old Entry text on which to match (the <OE> tag in the XML input).
Solution If there is a box for the old entry on the page, type the complete entry that you want to match. Otherwise, contact the webmaster for the site; they will need to correct the page.

You must specify one or more MatchFields when updating or deleting records.

Cause The XML input for an UPDATE or DELETE omits the <MatchFields> section. You must indicate which fields you want to use for matching.
SolutionContact the webmaster for the site. They will need to modify the page to include the <MatchFields> section.

You must specify the new entry (EN).

Cause You attempted to perform a Batch Modify operation, but did not specify the new text or entry (the <EN> tag in the XML input). You must specify the new entry unless you are using Delete Entry.
Solution If there is a box for the new entry on the page, fill it in. Otherwise, contact the webmaster for the site; they will need to correct the page.

Your current query has expired. Perform the search again.

Cause This error indicates that the slot occupied by a query set has been reused by someone else's query. This may indicate that too much time has passed since the query was first performed, or that many users are searching the textbase simultaneously.
Solution Contact the webmaster for the site. They may need to increase the maximum number of query sets that can be stored by increasing the WebSetMax= value specified in the [ICSWeb] section of the ICSWEB.INI file in the CS/WebPublisher PRO installation directory. (For DB/Text WebPublisher PRO, see the [WebPublisher] section of the DBTWPUB.INI file.)

Your password does not allow you to create records.

Cause The password you are using does not give you full access to all fields with Field Entry Required validation. You must have full access to all required fields to create new records -- otherwise there would be no way to fill them in.

The records you tried to insert did not contain those required fields. (Otherwise you would have received different messages.)

SolutionUse a password with full access to all required fields.